The Lewis MultiDrill is powered by your chainsaw.
This MultiDrill was designed to be attached to the side of a chainsaw and to drive an earth auger, an ice fishing auger or a wood drill in all kinds of soil and weather conditions... in other words it is a really tough drill...
The Lewis MultiDrill was originally invented to plant trees and was originally called the Cannon Tree Planter. Woodlot owners needed a reliable one man post hole digger that they could take into the woods and use to plant trees. Not only did the MultiDrill have to be efficient, but it must be able to run all day long, every day, with little maintenance.
Thousands of these chainsaw drills have been sold all over the world since they were originally invented and they auger every day, and all day long!. Woodlot owners found was that using an auger to drill a hole for planting tree seedlings rather than using a shovel or a hoe dad, is not only less work, but much faster and easier! The big bonus was that survival rate for the planted seedling increased more than 80 % using the Lewis MultiDrill and auger. That’s when many tree nurseries and tree planting companies began using this chainsaw-driven drill.
That was forty years ago, and some of those original chainsaw drills are still running today.
These days, the Lewis MultiDrill has found many other uses. Of course many customers still use the Lewis drill to plant trees that will be made in to lumber, but also many nurseries use the MultiDrill to plant fruit trees and gardens.

Every component part of the Lewis Multi Drill is engineered to last. The Lewis Multi Drill has a 40-year history of durability and dependability...quality built to last a lifetime!
Of all the tasks that a fence builder needs to know this is the Achilles heel of the trade. Fencing Needs